
eConsult Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The “eConsult BASE™ managed specialty” option enables the requesting provider to submit cases to a regional or Provincial eConsult BASE™ managed specialty group, which is a group of specialists responding to cases for a given specialty or sub-specialty (e.g. pediatric cardiology). The case is then assigned based on specialist availability.
  • The “Specific provider or group” option enables the requesting provider to submit cases directly to individual specialists or groups by searching in a directory.
  • Specialists are located across the province
  • Currently, the provincial eConsult BASE™ managed service on the OTNhub ( offers access to over 135 specialist groups, including dermatology, psychiatry, endocrinology, cardiology, hematology, and pediatrics. For a full list of the current specialty groups offered click here.
  • The goal over the next few years is to expand the number of regions offering Regional eConsult BASE™ managed specialty groups. Regional eConsult BASE™ managed groups are currently available for the South East, Waterloo Wellington and Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant regions.
  • If there is a specialty you would like to see, let us know at

The eConsult COE has collaborated with OntarioMD and the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) to develop a Frequently Asked Questions document on managing liability risk. View document for more detailed information.

  • Independently submit eConsults using the web-platform
  • Utilize administrative support by modeling your clinic’s usual referral workflow
    • Example:
      1. Physician or nurse practitioner types the clinical question, specialty and any other require information into their EMR
      2. Administrative support/delegate retrieves the information and submits the eConsult on the web-platform.
      3. Administrative support/delegate then retrieves the specialist’s response and incorporates it into the patient’s chart and notifies the physician or nurse practitioners that it is ready to action.
  • Independently submit eConsults through full EMR integration.
  • A delegate is someone who can submit and receive eConsults on behalf of one or many physicians or nurse practitioners
  • A delegate is typically a referral clerk, nurse or administrator working within the physician or nurse practitioner’s clinic
  • Provides flexibility and makes efficient use of existing referral pathways and workflows
  • Allows physicians and nurse practitioners to request eConsults using a familiar process
  • Minimal impact on physician and nurse practitioner workload

EMR-integrated eConsult is currently available to clinicians who are using Accuro® EMR and KAI Innovations’ OSCAR. OntarioMD is working to expand availability of EMR-integrated eConsult to additional certified EMRs. The availability to clinicians will vary depending on individual EMR vendors incorporating the service into their product offerings. Contact OntarioMD for more information on EMR integration or to get started today!

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