
Waiting to see a specialist?

Ask your doctor or nurse practitioner about eConsult!

What is eConsult?

  •  A secure web-based tool
  • Allows doctors or nurse practitioners timely access to specialist advice
  • Often eliminates the need for an in-person specialist visit

What are the benefits to patients?

  • ACCESS: over 130 specialty services
  • FAST: Specialists respond to questions within 1 week, often as quickly as 1 to 2 days
  • SECURE: eConsult meets all of the standards for privacy of communication between healthcare providers
  • EFFICIENT: in about two-thirds of eConsults, the doctor or nurse practitioner gets all the advice they need to treat you themselves

How does it work?


Talk to your doctor or nurse practitioner about eConsult!

They can sign up by contacting us at

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